Monday, July 12, 2010

How will the new Digg v4 change how we share information?

If you have never heard of than you might not find this interesting, but if you are into sharing and finding new information then please, read on. is a place where the public decides what "news" ends up on the front page. I used to head to this website on a daily bases, sometimes multiple times per day to see what everyone was sharing.  That is, until Twitter came along.  Twitter allowed me to only follow the people that I wanted to follow and this allowed me to "filter" the information that was being provided.  Digg had all the content posted from anyone that wanted to share and of course, some of that was information that I was not interested in.  Now comes along the newest version of Digg.  Digg4 allows an individual to follow the people you want and you then have the choice to view just information shared and "Digged" by the people you follow or you can see Diggs from everyone.  This now brings what I loved about Digg and Twitter together.  The new version will also allow you to auto-submit content from a Blog or website that you own to Digg through an RSS feed.  Digg4 is in private beta at this time but you can sign up to get in early at  If you get an invite and need someone to follow, I am iteachag on Digg and on Twitter.
